Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My Little Man

So, I have to show off my lil man! Heres a few...there will be a lot more to come! He is such a lil stud already, at a week and a half old! :)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Noah's Birth Story!!!

I Started having contractions at about 2:30 am on the 25th. I didn't know if it was real labor or not till I tried going to bed, and the contractions were so strong I couldn't sleep. I decided to get in the shower and eat some toast, then we headed to Labor & Delivery at about 6...but didn't get there till 7. We would've liked to labor at home longer, but it was a really bad snow storm so we decided we shouldn't. When I got there is was 4 & fully thinned & stretchy. We went to our room and my doula arrived at the hospital. I started out using the whirlpool tub, which quit working due to technical problems. Then I sat on the birthing ball for a while. Bouncing a little during contractions really helped. My doula did the hip press a lot, which is where her & SO each pressed one of my hips in during a contraction, that really seemed to help too. I was stuck at a 7 for a few hours, which got discouraging. I was finally ready to push at about 2:30 pm. We tried a lot of positions for that too...side-laying, squatting bar, laying over the bed, etc. But when it came down to it...the thing that worked best for me was god ol fashion laying down in the bed. Noah Lee was born two hours later at 4:42 pm. He weighed 8 lbs 2 oz. and was 20 inches long. It was so amazing. I struggled through the pushing part but the rest was okay. The pain was bearable and I deffinently encourage all you guys to do all-natural, society greatly exaggerates the pain, yeah it hurts...but you can deffinently make it through it! I wouldn't have done it any other way!!! And It feels amazing to tell all those people who said "you cant/wont do it" HAHAHHA. Now that Noah is here I couldn't picture our life without him! He is my world!

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Okay, I appologize...I haven't been on here in FOREVER!! I am stillllll pregnant, no baby yet! We have been busy getting prepared for Noah and I started classes and am trying to do as much online homework as I can before he comes. I am dilated to 3 cms tho and 80% effaced! I have been going to my midwife weekly and meeting with my doula a lot too. Little Noah just doesn't wanna come out!
My due date is actually Monday, and I go to the midwife then and she is going to strip my membranes and hopefully that'll get the ball rolling....we can only hope!
I am miserable though, severe hip pain, gas pain, back pain, contractions (now getting painful), and all sorts of icky pregnancy related problems. haha.
Well, I have a baby shower to go to for my friend Jenna today, she too is having a boy--but in April. Then tomarrow Andrew & I are going to my doula's house to practice pain relief techniques, which is going to be amazing while I am in labor! And then I think we might go visit my dad & other family one last time before I have this baby.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

This Week...

...Me & Kory
...Kory & Kass
Well, I will be 37 weeks along on Monday! Wahoo. It's so hard to imagine that in three weeks, we will be a family, have a baby, and I will be a mommy. I am so excited! I start DMACC classes back up again on the 12th... :(. Then, after this semester I will only have one more class to take, which I will be taking in the summer. For New Years Eve, I had Kassie & Kory come stay the night with us and celebrate the new year with them! It was so fun and cute. We danced, ate, and colored! It made me realize how much I really love them & how much they need me, unlike my other siblings. Not that I don't love my other siblings, they just aren't as dependent on me as Kory and Kassie and I never raised them... I will miss em when we move, but I know they will be okay and safe where they are. Here are some pictures from the night...
...Kass & Andrew playing Tony Hawk.

Monday, December 29, 2008

36 wks Along!!

I am officially 36 wks along!! Nine months and counting now... I really hope this baby comes soon! I am misserable and I don't exactly like being pregnant any longer. ;) I'll catch you up on about the last week...We got so many awesome Christmas gifts from all mine and Andrew's families. We got two digital pic. frames, robe, tool bag, griddle, pic. frames, kitchen set, and many other little knick knacks that will come in handy once we live on our own!
Also, Andrew was so sweet...he got me a digital camcorder! I love it. I am so glad we will be able to tape Noah's birth and his first few days. Andrew knew how much I wanted one and he was so sweet!!! I am glad I found such a sweet guy like him <3. Also, we spent Christmas day with my dad and his side of the family. It was very fun--we did our gift exchange, which my dad got me a Willow Tree doll, the Cherish one, which is a preggo one. Also, we all played Taboo and SceneIt. It was nice spending my first Christmas EVER with all my siblings, my dad & stepmom, and all the other family members. Me & Andrew had a blast!
Then we went to my Grandpa's and Kory and Kass opened their gifts from me & Andrew, which my sister loved her American Girl Doll, which she should for the price I paid. ;) Then we all played Wii for a few hours and at some ham sandwhiches, which are my fave!!! All in all, it was an amazing Christmas, with Andrew's family Christmases and mine.
My sister came and spent the weekend with me & Andrew, which she loved. Her & Andrew had some quality time, where all they did practically the whole weekend was play Tony Hawk ProSkater. haha.
This holiday season has made me realize how much I love all of our families and how lucky I am. Even though I have lost a lot and had a lot of hurt in my life...I have gained so much...with Andrew, my siblings, his parents, my dad, his family, and everything inbetween. I couldn't ask to be surrounded by better people in my life. I am the happiest I have ever been, and wouldn't change a thing.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Baby Shower Scrapbook Page

I had my 35 wk. midwife appt. on Monday. So good! Noah is in my belly with his head down (thank goodness) and his back aligned with my back. The midwife said its an odd, and kind of uncommon position, but he can be delievered that way and he can still turn and move. Pretty calm visit...still no weight gain! YAY. It has been about 3.5 months since I have gained any weight, so thats good...cuz I gained my weight in the begining :/

Also, Andrew's Jeep broke down, so he is driving the Mazda only now, which isn't exactly ideal for Winter. We are trying to sell it, since the motor is no good and blew up, yet the body is still ideal.

I am going to post some pics on here from my Scrapbook. I think I have gotten pretty good!

Here is pictures of the Baby Shower page:

(Showered with LOADS...)
(...OF LOVE):

Here is the bottoms...look like baby boy clothes hanging on a laundry line.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

...Catch up...

We have been SO busy lately!! I had finals all last week, so it was cram time! Also, we have been buying all the last minute baby things we need for Noah. I have been heavily reading Ina May's Guide to Childbirth, preparing for my all-natural birth. I find it very motivating and encouraing to any woman who is going to deliver a child, especially if they plan to go all-natural.
I went to see my dad, grandpa/siblings/uncle, friend Angie & Jami, and Cindy all in one day! It was so nice to see all of them and to know you have people who care about you and love you.
I am a little dissapointed since I attempted to make pumpkin cheesecake, since I was craving it...and it didn't turn out at all! Oh well, I guess I will just stick to buying desserts. haha.
I made my family baby shower page in Noah's baby book. I still need to do the "family tree" page, and then start on his Birthday page! YAY.
About the pregnancy...I am 34 wks and 4 days. I am having a lot of pelvic pressure, cramping, braxton hicks, pains, and am misserable. I am getting so anxious and excited for Noah to get here...I can barely wait! I know Andrew feels the same way! He will be an amazing dad. Well, time for tomarrow :[